If the intersection of the lines does not happen at a particular point, the concurrency is lost, and so is the significance. Thus, changing the position of any one shape will require adjustments in all the corresponding figures.

There are innumerous intersections that take place between the lines of the 9 triangles, and these cuts are supposed to be concurrent. The Sriyantra might look a fairly simple design, but the construction is a highly complex affair. The former is seen to be a constructive view, while the latter a destructive one. You can either start from the inside and move out, or do it vice versa. The centre of the Yantra has a Bindu (dot), which is the focus of the way you can meditate. Different versions have circles and squares surrounding the triangles, and they are said to form the boundary within which Gods residing in the intersections can stay. The standard form of the Sriyantra, with the 9 interwoven triangles, constitutes a total of 43 triangles. And the base angle of the triangle in the Yantra is seen to be around 51 degrees, the same value that was attributed to the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza. What is amazing is that the triangle of the Yantra is a proportionate cross-section of the Giza Pyramid, incorporating both special numbers pi (3.142.) and phi (1.618.) ratio. Triangles have 3 variates: The base length, the slant length and the height. Just as we can have rectangles drawn to the specifications of the Golden Ratio, triangles too can have their properties. These triangles are not ordinarily composed, but have aspects of the Golden Ratio in them. 4 of them point upwards and represent the female energy Shakti, while the other 5 point downwards, representing the male energy Shiva. Now, Sri Yantras are formed by 9 interlocking isoceles triangles. Many of you would have come across the Sri Yantra, an object of meditation that finds place in Puja Rooms:.

I wanted to find out what relevance the Golden Ratio had to India and Hinduism, and I did find something interesting. Even the ratio of Fibonacci numbers (1,1,2,3,5,8.) is successively approximate to the Golden ratio. Leonardo da Vinci, the famed inventor and artist, has used the Golden ratio is many of his creations, most famously the Vitruvian man (brought into limelight through the book "The Da Vinci Code"). The Pyramids in Egypt have their dimensions in a proportion equal to it. This Golden Ratio has prime importance in architectural design, as it lends a very aesthetic appearance to the object. This ratio can be described from the figure:Īs is seen, the ratio of one of the sides to the other is the same as the ratio of the sum of the sides to the former. The Golden Ratio is also known by the number phi, and is otherwise called the Golden mean, Divine Proportion or the Golden section. As I was going through a blog, I read references to the Golden Ratio (1.618), a figure sacred to designers.